Had you ever heard of this quote by Rumi
"Prayers change from religion to religion but faith is always the same."
Based on this quote. Rumi wants to tell that even though every religion in the world have different ways of prayer but the one thing in common between religious is believing there is one most powerful almighty somewhere. This called Faith.

I believed because of different understanding and culture what makes us have different identities. But the cross between two or more culture under one religion that what makes Masjid Beijing exists in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan. Kelantan is a popular state with Islamic intelligent. There are many Syeikh or Ulama which is Islamic experts born in Kelantan. And because of that Kelantan has also being called as Serambi Mekah.
First of all, I just want to make clear that I'm not really into the historic of the Masjid Beijing. I didn't do any research yet about this mosque. But the main reason I put Masjid Beijing as one of my travel story is because among all the attractions in Kelantan. Masjid Beijing caught my attention the most. And a chance to has a day trip to Rantau Panjang is such a best chance to grab.
Masjid Beijing appearance is magnificence. The concept of the mosque building was oriented from Chinese shrine building but the more you see. The more you like the building. I really like the identity of the mosque building. It looks like a Chinese Palace in China. The structure of the building, the colors and the design of the mosque is so interesting. While the concept is more on open space. The building is small but the open space area is widest.
I spent most of my time at Masjid Beijing because of the mosque building. I took a lot of pictures here every corner of the building. To those who like the art of building, contradiction of colors and history. I really recommend Masjid Beijing as a worth destination to take pictures, to learn, to experience and to feels something.
And not to forget. Kelantan also is a state beside Thailand. Luckily, on the same day of my day trip there is also a Thailand Food Festival in Kota Bharu. So after my trip on Rantau Panjang. I give a peek on Thailand Food Festival. Unfortunately, I end up bought bunch of Thai food. There are so many. I spend more on that time. Maybe because I'm tired and I'm hungry and that what makes me less thinking and end up more spending. Poor me next day.

P/s: But the food is delicious tho. I managed to eat all of them. Well who didn't like good food right?
Love, Zila