Living in Semenanjung Malaysia make me a foreigner in Borneo. LOL. Sarawak and Sabah are parts of Malaysia but both of these states seems like another country Malaysian must visit. So, on 7 until 9 February 2018 I decided sneak out from Gombak, Kuala Lumpur to visit Kuching, Sarawak.

Sarawak is different. The vibes I meant. I really feels like a foreigner here in Sarawak. Well maybe because the Sarawakian have a facial identity showed on their face. And that actually what makes me getting more exicited on this awesome trip. I looked up on discovering something different here. The culture, the buildings, the food, Sarawakian ethnics, and what else? Of course the accent. Sarawakian have different accent for different ethnics. Interesting to get to know but quiet challenging to master (or at least when I try to understand).
On the first day of the trip. I'm playing tourist in Kuching City. Visiting each of the souvenir shops along the street. Every shop is beautiful. Each of the them shows different type of scenery. There are traditional shop, modern shop, art based shop and the luxury shop. The luxury shop is prohibited from taking pictures of their products and even the interior design of the shop. But, I just noticed about that after took a few pictures. The picture below is one of the picture I managed to take while in the luxury shop. Everything looks expensive.
On my second day of the trip. I want to know deep about Sarawakian culture. So where should I go? The answer is Sarawak Culture Village. One of the most visited place in Sarawak. Because here is the only place you can see, feel and experience the real life every ethnics of Sarawakian. My first expression when enter Sarawak Culture Village is like entering a small forest. It is so green and breezy. The fact is Sarawak Culture Village is actually near to Gunung Santubong. One of the highlighted mountain in Sarawak (suddenly humming Puteri Santubong and Puteri Senjijang song ). There are many types of Sarawakian ethnic of Rumah Panjang or called as Long House. Each of the Rumah Panjang is different in design, space, materials of building and decorations. The important thing is every Rumah Panjang has different rules also.
Here they also performing shows to the visitors. I manage to watch the performance by Sarawakian ethnic dancers, They are professional and the performance is awesome and lively. I do enjoyed the story line of the shows, every beat of the music and their prob. Kinda details, It is actually a good opportunity to visit Sarawak Culture Village. Exploring and enjoying the environment. And if you are not a type of shy person. Why not grab an opportunity to dance together with the performers. Don't miss it. Cuz it is actually entertaining.
The last day in Sarawak. I goes back to the Kuching City and continue my playing tourist. Today, I walk slowly around Kuching City. Try to capture everything that interesting to my sight. The environment. The smell. The motion. The colors. The structures. Everything I tried to capture with my camera. And the vibes bare in my heart. While playing tourist in middle of Sarawak City. I actually hunting for mint flavored Sarawak Kek Lapis (rare flavor actually). It is actually hard to get the best one and suit with my preference because most of them just so so tasted. At the end, I manage to bought one. Yang okay la. But the idea here is make sure to try and buy Sarawak Kek Lapis. There are variety of flavor. You may found your favorite flavor but I'm sure you can get confused after tasted more than 5 flavors ;D
Three days two nights trip in Sarawak paid off (not bad for the first experience). Yet, I'm still do not get enough with Sarawak. I want to go to Sarawak again next time. And next time I will make sure to discover more and more about Sarawak. See you next time Sarawak ;D
Love, Zila